The new look Supereight Studio
We’ve been in business for three and a half years now and to this point our only presence online has been a rather simple holding page with a few work samples and our contact details. This hasn’t held us back however and we’ve forged a number of amazing client relationships and worked really hard to deliver great design to each and every one of them.
We’ve been chipping away at our new site between lots of other client projects for months now and we’re delighted to finally leave our grotty old holding page behind and get round to launching it. We’ve kept it small and simple to give you a little insight into who we are and some of the work we’re very proud to share with you.
The super talented Brent Couchman created our logo for us some time ago. Brent, we love it! It’s simple, bold and clean and we wanted to reflect that same graphic style in our website. Some of you lucky folk see our logo every day as you sip your tea or coffee from one of gorgeous mugs, now available in the shop. We’ll be adding more stuff in the very near future so watch this space.
We know the site isn’t perfect, there are a few little bugs and more we need to add here and there but we’ll be working on that in-between client work when we can. We just wanted to get it live and share lots more about what we do, who we are and what we’ve done.
Please take a moment to have a good look through our work and don’t hesitate to drop us a line if you think we could work together.
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